
Sunday, October 31, 2010


A few photos of Jackson to start your week off right...

This is the extent of my Halloween "costume".
But that's ok. I'm too young to care about candy.
Mom got me this cool pumpkin.
Uh, Mom. Did you realize this puppy is fake? You did? Oh. Hmm...
Dad! Are you sneaking candy, again?
Ok. That's it for now. Bye!

High Chair Comparison

Today I took a picture of Jack in his high chair. When I uploaded it to iPhoto I was shocked to compare it to another high chair photo from January. My "little" boy is growing up way too fast.

January 2010
October 2010
In January, when Jack first began sitting in the high chair, I began to teach him sign language. He has signed "all done" and "more" for quite some time. Recently, I added "please" and "thank you". He is doing so well with both of these new signs and even uses them in situations when he's not eating. {Although, at times he gets confused and Trip swears he's telling someone to "steal second".} :) I am so thankful for the wisdom of experienced mothers who encouraged me to use sign language with Jack. I am confident that it has helped with his transition to toddler-hood and his language development.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Swing Fairy

The Swing Fairy visited our house yesterday.

What? You've never heard of the Swing Fairy?

Huh. That's odd.

Well, "She" exists. Or maybe it's a "He".  Either way, the Fairy learned about a perfectly wonderful swing laying useless on a basement floor.

So, much to my child's delight, the swing was hung and he spent the afternoon doing this:

His smile says it all. "Wheeeeeee!"

Thanks Swing Fairy...whoever you are!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Place

Until this year, I had always considered myself a "beach person". Surf, sand, an umbrella, a selection of books and I was good to go. You could leave me out there for hours and I was completely content.

Then, this happened...

Yeah. My thoughts, exactly.

That's Camp Bountiful. The home of my dear friend Julia's parents, Susan and David. Her parents are affectionately known as, "Moosky & Poosky". (Don't ask. It's a good thing, I promise.)


Last May I was invited to visit Camp Bountiful for the first time. That visit was such a respite for this Mama. And Jackson, well he simply could not get enough of the mountain fun. Here's what he thought of the trip,

 "I love this place!"
"I'll never leave!"
Since that first visit, we've returned three times. And this last visit was the one that began to chip away at my singular love for the beach.

Here's why...

Seriously breathtaking.

Fall in the mountains is spectacular. The change of color in every tree, the crispness in the air and the tastes and smells are simply intoxicating.

And did I mention that my child simply loves to be there?

Even if he has to be bundled up for a walk...

I blame Julia, Moosky & Poosky.

It's their fault. Without the invitation to this incredible place, I would never have cheated on my first love. And not only have I cheated once, I've cheated a total of four (4!) times. 

So, while the beach will forever be my first love, the mountains have gained a solid spot on my "happy place" list.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Seven Years Ago...

I thought that today would be an appropriate day to commence my entrance into the world of blogging. {Heaven, help me.} The contents of this blog will allow a glimpse into the lives of the "Atlanta Radtkes". Without that providential meeting, seven years ago today, there would be nothing to blog about.

What providential meeting, you ask?

The day that Schrade FRED Radtke III had the pleasure of being set up with me. ME!

Oh THAT day.

Yes. Without the sneaky efforts of one Julie Neff Sacco and one Angela Phelps, there would be no Mr. and Mrs. Schrade FRED Radtke III.

 And more to the point, there would be no Jackson Lane...

I have realized in the past 14 months that my memory is not what it used to be. A dear friend prepared me for this phenomenon when I was pregnant with Jack, "Sister, your memory is attached to the placenta, so when you deliver, well, there it goes..."

Mama Brain. Can I get an Amen?

So, here I am in hopes to not only remember both the happenings of our growing family but the endless ways God has been growing me up, thirsting to reflect HIs righteousness.