RECIPES that must be shared!
As the week gets started everyone could use a little inspiration in the kitchen. I made one of the recipes and the other was a delicious dinner brought to our family this weekend.
Y'all. They were both "drop yo fork" good.
I made these enchiladas. Do NOT question the addition of the zucchini. Do it. Seriously. It adds a subtle flavor that is absolutely delicious. {For those of us with kidlets, it is a sneaky way to get another vegetable in their diet.} Recipe Girl has become one of my favorite "go to" gluten free blogs. But if you are one of those glutenous eaters, she has tons of great recipes to try.
The dinner that was brought to us this weekend was a divine dish from Real Simple. Chicken with White Beans and Tomatoes. It is a very simple dinner that has so much flavor you'll be glad you hung out with your oven for 45min. Add a salad and voila you have a perfect weeknight meal.
I did not experiment in my kitchen this weekend. I painted a little boy's room and assembled his new dresser so that we could convert his nursery to a BIG BOY room. {That will be a post for another day.} Hopefully, I will be back in my "test kitchen" this weekend so I can share more from Deliciously G-Free.
Have a great week & Happy Eating!
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it & are safe. ~ Prov 18.10
Monday, January 30, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
January is for Birthdays!
January 24 is Trip's birthday. January 25 is mine. For the past 8 years we have shared in our celebration and I have loved every minute of it. This year was extra special as I had a sidekick in the kitchen to help make Dad's birthday fun.
My sous chef and I whipped up some awesome cupcakes full of gluteny goodness for Dad. Look, my sweet husband eats gluten free along with me 364 days of the year. For one day, HIS day, I'll make the man a regular cupcake.
But there was nothing regular about my baking experience this year. I have a little boy who loves to be in my business when it comes to all things kitchen. {Could I possibly be raising the next Emeril?!} So, we donned our aprons and got to work.
It was such a delight teaching him to break the eggs and measure out the ingredients. Once the cupcakes were baking we made icing. Yep. Good ol' buttercream icing. {I just gained a pound thinking about it.}
The suspense of the cupcakes baking was almost more than my sous chef could bare.
But alas they were finished and once cooled icing was applied. {Note to self, I really need a piping bag and tips especially when 2yo fingers and lips are involved.}
This moment in motherhood was a true accomplishment for me. I tend to be a... cough, cough... perfectionist. And I could have "fixed" the icing job my son did with pride. But I didn't! I left it all gooey and messy. And I'm sure to Trip it tasted even better.
After serving Trip one of his favorite meals, Jack and I sung "Happy Birthday" and served our cupcakes. In the midst of snapping this photo I realized that I have a tendency to catch the man in his undershirt on his birthday.
Well, undershirt or polo, for me, it is more than just Trip's birthday. It is the celebration of the man I married and the father who loves Jack. The joy that I have as I close the day in celebration of him is the thought that wakes me every January 25. That blessing is an incredible present and one that I dare not take for granted.
My sous chef and I whipped up some awesome cupcakes full of gluteny goodness for Dad. Look, my sweet husband eats gluten free along with me 364 days of the year. For one day, HIS day, I'll make the man a regular cupcake.
But there was nothing regular about my baking experience this year. I have a little boy who loves to be in my business when it comes to all things kitchen. {Could I possibly be raising the next Emeril?!} So, we donned our aprons and got to work.
It was such a delight teaching him to break the eggs and measure out the ingredients. Once the cupcakes were baking we made icing. Yep. Good ol' buttercream icing. {I just gained a pound thinking about it.}
The suspense of the cupcakes baking was almost more than my sous chef could bare.
But alas they were finished and once cooled icing was applied. {Note to self, I really need a piping bag and tips especially when 2yo fingers and lips are involved.}
After serving Trip one of his favorite meals, Jack and I sung "Happy Birthday" and served our cupcakes. In the midst of snapping this photo I realized that I have a tendency to catch the man in his undershirt on his birthday.
Well, undershirt or polo, for me, it is more than just Trip's birthday. It is the celebration of the man I married and the father who loves Jack. The joy that I have as I close the day in celebration of him is the thought that wakes me every January 25. That blessing is an incredible present and one that I dare not take for granted.
Happy Birthday, Trip! We love you!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
{20 Weeks}
Some of you may have seen that title and thought,
"Ohhh girl, you're halfway there!"
But if this little kicker decides to follow his brother's example,
I was actually halfway at 19weeks 2days.
Oh, did you notice the HIS in that sentence? You did?
Well, then you read correctly!
Baby Radtke #2 is a BOY!
We've actually known since our 13 week ultrasound,
but decided to play it safe until this ultrasound.
Just in case...
But as you can see, {Ahem}, there is no doubt.
He is growing beautifully.
He has a gorgeous heart with 4 chambers.
His brain, spine and other organs looked well developed.
And the "kicker"...
So, come June 5, we'll have two {TWO!!} sweet boys
in the Radtke House.
What did Jackson think of this news?
I'd say he was pretty excited.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Mama Recommends
Happy Monday everyone!
I love the weekends. They typically provide me an opportunity to spend a bit more time in the kitchen. Trip candistract play with Jack and I can test out recipes. In a recent post I noted that I had acquired a new cookbook. It's Elisabeth Hasselbeck's cookbook, Deliciously G-Free. Now listen, regardless of what you think of her politics, {cough, cough...Brenda} the cookbook ROCKS.
She divides the recipes into 4 categories. Breakfast, Appetizers, Main Course and Desserts. The ingredients are fresh and simple. The directions for each recipe are clear and easy to follow. If you're one of my wonderfully G-free friends or have a desire to dabble in gluten free cooking, I highly recommend the book.
So, Saturday morning I tried one of the breakfast recipes, the Egg Muffins on page 47.
The recipe makes 12 egg muffins. For our family I split the recipe in half.
The ingredients:
Eggs, Salt, Pepper, Baking Soda, Scallions, Mushrooms, Grated Cheese, Bacon
I should note that she has red bell peppers in her ingredient list. We were out, so I substituted tomatoes.
After mixing the eggs with the measured amount of salt, pepper and baking soda you set the egg mixture aside. Then chop the remaining ingredients and layer. For 6 egg muffins I used one scallion {both green and white parts}, 6 slices of mushroom, 2 slices of bacon, a handful of grape tomatoes and 1 cup of cheese.
Using a muffin tin, I layered the ingredients in each well starting with the cheese and finishing with the bacon. Then I poured 1/4c of the egg mixture on top of each.
If you have kids in school, this would be an easy weekday morning meal that is packed with protein for their day. I would prechop the toppings the night before and then just whip up the egg mixture that morning while the oven preheats.
Up next...CUPCAKES!
I love the weekends. They typically provide me an opportunity to spend a bit more time in the kitchen. Trip can
She divides the recipes into 4 categories. Breakfast, Appetizers, Main Course and Desserts. The ingredients are fresh and simple. The directions for each recipe are clear and easy to follow. If you're one of my wonderfully G-free friends or have a desire to dabble in gluten free cooking, I highly recommend the book.
So, Saturday morning I tried one of the breakfast recipes, the Egg Muffins on page 47.
The recipe makes 12 egg muffins. For our family I split the recipe in half.
The ingredients:
Eggs, Salt, Pepper, Baking Soda, Scallions, Mushrooms, Grated Cheese, Bacon
I should note that she has red bell peppers in her ingredient list. We were out, so I substituted tomatoes.
After mixing the eggs with the measured amount of salt, pepper and baking soda you set the egg mixture aside. Then chop the remaining ingredients and layer. For 6 egg muffins I used one scallion {both green and white parts}, 6 slices of mushroom, 2 slices of bacon, a handful of grape tomatoes and 1 cup of cheese.
Using a muffin tin, I layered the ingredients in each well starting with the cheese and finishing with the bacon. Then I poured 1/4c of the egg mixture on top of each.
Bake at 375 degrees for about 20min. Then serve immediately.
Trip said I could make these "whenever I want".
They were delicious...and so easy for a lazy Saturday.
If you have kids in school, this would be an easy weekday morning meal that is packed with protein for their day. I would prechop the toppings the night before and then just whip up the egg mixture that morning while the oven preheats.
Up next...CUPCAKES!
Friday, January 13, 2012
It's 2012?!
Celebrating Advent and Christmas was so much fun for us as a family.
Jackson was finally old enough to truly celebrate the birth of Christ and to anticipate the arrival of our precious Ohio family. Hearing him recite the verses each night gave such a depth to our holiday.I am confident that Jackson closed this holiday season knowing with confidence that we " not [need] to be afraid...God has good news."
One of the blogs on my sidebar did a fun recap post of 2011.
Yeah, yeah... I know that it's January 13... it's been nutty around here.
It was a survey of 2011. She had a ton of questions, I chose 10.
1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
Warrior Dash with my sister. Y'all that race is crazy.
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't really make resolutions. But, I do have one for this year. To give birth. Lord have mercy if I'm still pregnant this time next year. If that happens, let me be clear, the Lord and I will have a serious conversation.
3. Did anyone close to you die?
Yes. My Grammy, who was such a treasure to my family
and Trip's and my incredible Spanish tutor, Senor Bellows.
4. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
More variety in my gluten free cooking. I have acquired a cookbook
and I'm going to commit to trying new recipes each week.
5. What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
January 11 - the day I joined BSF leadership as a teacher in the Children's Program
March 26 - celebrating the marriage of a dear, former student {Paige}
August 17 - watching Trip and Jack walk out onto the Braves Field
September 3 - hosting my sister's Bridal shower and celebrating her 30th birthday
October 1 - celebrating the marriage of my sister and Peter
October 1 - celebrating the marriage of my sister and Peter
October 15 - celebrating the marriage of another dear, former student {Ben}
October 17 - seeing my second baby on an ultrasound
December 25 - celebrating Christmas for the first time in our home
6. Compared to this time last year, are you:
~Happier or sadder?
~Thinner or fatter?
Ahem. Well, I'm working on a "project" that has a weight loss date of June 5.
7. What song will always remind you of 2011?
Eddie Kirkland's "Here & Now". This song has such an impact me.
I'm working on a post about this & how I want it to direct me this year.
8. What were your favorite books of the year?
A Praying Life, The Help, One Thousand Gifts
Parenthood. The writing is incredible.
10. What is a valuable lesson you learned in 2011?
Friendships taught me a lot this year. I am so grateful for the women who came alongside me spiritually and held my feet to the fire. God pruned a few relationships from my life that were distracting me. And he also introduced me to women who want me to the be the woman He is calling me to be.
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