
Monday, May 14, 2012

Bionic Man!

Today was such a special day for us as a family!

Eight weeks ago Trip looked like this:

But as of TODAY he now looks like this:

He still has a way to go in his recovery. But at his post-op
appointment this afternoon, the surgeon cleared Trip to
take off his neck brace and resume "normal" activity!

A few weeks ago during a BSF lecture, my teaching leader said:
"Hope is an adrenaline rush...not a sedative."

As Trip and I reflect upon the last eight weeks, that "rush" is exactly
what we experienced. Sure, there were moments, or days, that were
harder than others. But because of God's great faithfulness,
and the hope that we have in Him, we did not grow weary.

~ Psalm 33.18 ~
But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him,
on those whose hope is in his unfailing love...
Jackson is particularly excited that Dad is no longer in the brace.

Thank you for coming alongside us & praying us through this journey.
We are forever grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! We're glad that Trip's feeling better and the brace is no more! d
