Today we had a special field trip with Jackson's friends, Alex & Luke. We traveled a short distance north to
INK, an interactive children's museum in Gainesville. The museum is designed to allow the children to "role play and learn through practical experiences about being a teacher, banker, grocery store clerk, doctor, dentist and much more." It was fantastic!
The museum boasts a real airplane, antique fire truck, police car & tractor.
It is a little boy's dream come true.
If you're local, you should take advantage of this treasure & make a visit.
Do you see that little boy eyeing the Twinkies? |
Mama took a bit of an issue when he piled the cleaning supplies high in the cart. "What are you trying to say, Jackson?" Maybe I should start a chore chart. I mean, he is TWO, right? |
This enclosed exhibit was incredible. A small "city" that the children could control with the buttons on the side. They could "control" the operations of a crane, fire station, restaurant drive thru, lawn service, etc. It was a hit. |
Luke at the controls. He kept watch over the fire station. |
Fire Fighter Alex! |
Why does this give me the feeling that I'll be looking at those letters Y-A-M-A-H-A again in the not-so-distant-future? |
The abacus is for serious mathematicians. |
Did I mention that they have a farm exhibit? That's my baby milking a cow. Look, he had on a John Deere shirt. What did you expect? |
You can't have a children's museum without a talking chicken. |
Oh my gosh, that looks like so much fun. My brother and I used to play grocery store at my grandma's house. I would have loved a place like that when I was a kid. I know it's hard when the babies have birthdays and grow up, but isn't it so much fun to be able to take them to places like this? It only gets more fun!