
Friday, February 17, 2012

Two and a HALF

While Valentine's Day is indeed a special day around the Radtke house, it also marks a milestone of sorts for a little boy. February 14 is the "halfway" point each birth year for Jackson. I remember in 2010 when he hit 6 months I thought my heart was going to split in two. The idea that we survived the first 6 months and were that much closer to his first birthday filled me with a wide range of emotions. And while I'm in no way rushing to see him turn 3, there are many exciting things in the next 6 months that I look with great anticipation toward his future.
Jackson at 2.5 you are 37.5in tall and weigh 33lbs.
You wear 3T clothes and a size 9W shoe.

~ You are an incredible eater. 
It is not unusual for you to request TWO sandwiches at lunch.
Your favorite foods are yogurt, bananas, blueberries, 
broccoli, and peas. Your secret weakness is....chips. 
{I have no idea who you get that from.}

~You are still a great sleeper. 
I cannot thank you enough for taking a 2-3 hour nap 
each afternoon to let your pregnant mama rest.

~You have transitioned to a big boy bed. 
You weren't sure about it at first, but thankfully you have done so well.
~You are potty training. 
You think your Lightning McQueen & Thomas skivies are pretty cool.

~You LOVE to read.
Any book by Mo Willems is a winner in your book. You also enjoy
the Clifford series, the Thomas series, and any book about a truck.

~You are VERY excited about becoming a big brother.
You tell everyone you meet this news. Your Dad and I are 
very excited that God chose you to be first in our family. Your 
baby brother is lucky to have you to look up to.
Finally, Jackson, while you are absolutely the busiest little boy I have ever met, you are also an absolute joy. You fill our home with laughter each day. Whether it is something that you have said or a facial expression, you are a very funny little boy. You also have a tender heart that loves Jesus. You take your prayers very seriously and talk to Jesus about anything. It is amazing to see how He works in your heart. I am confident that the "twos" could have been quite dramatic if you did not ask Jesus to help you make good choices. I pray that you always seek to "make Jesus happy".

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