
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

{27 Weeks!}

T MInus...13 weeks!
{Don't you just love my belly button? ha!}

~I continue to feel great. There is a lot going on in the Radtke house right now {a post is in the works} so my great energy and health has been a huge gift from the Lord. But boy oh BOY, this baby is a KICKER. My sides are going to eject this kid with joy and singing come June 5.

~I am so glad the weather is starting to warm back up. We have had a very mild winter this year, but it's still been too "bristly" for this Mama to get out every day for a walk. I'm looking forward to those final stroller walks with just Jackson. I can hardly believe I'll be pushing TWO little boys in a stroller in just a few short months.

~With the exception of hanging the curtains, the nursery is FINISHED. I will post pics in the next few days. I have loved using the bedding from Jack's nursery for his brother. One of my sweet memories of getting the nursery organized is having Jack "ooh" and "ahh" over the clothes as we put them in the drawers. He could not understand that HE used to wear all of the onesies and bibs. At 33lbs, it's hard for me to remember that he was once barely 9lbs. :)

And finally...

~The name...will be a surprise. Everyone knows we're having a boy, so the name is our treasure to hold onto until he arrives.


  1. You are just as beautiful as ever. I can't believe that the time is almost here. Praying for all four of you.

  2. Yay for Baby Radtke and for Jack! Jack already sounds like a wonderful brother. And, you - my friend - look wonderful and happy and so not 27 weeks pregnant! :)

  3. Love the belly button! You look so amazing for 27 weeks. This spring will be a sweet time for you and Jack. I know you will make the most of those last days of him being your baby. Love you!
